
Building the right tool (mold) is critical to manufacturing reliable plastic injection molded parts.

Doing it right.
The importance of proper design and tooling of the mold cannot be overstated. Like part design, the engineering of the tool is a complex process that requires a high degree of experience and knowledge of the plastic injection molding process. Careful consideration of many factors is required to ensure a tool will produce quality parts and avoid costly manufacturing issues.
Skilled workers.
Often the most expensive step in bringing a part to production — mold making involves skilled designers, engineers and toolmakers to create a mold that maximizes the number of cavities and shortens cycle times while consistently producing high quality parts that meet or exceed customer specifications.

Decades of experience.
Steinwall was founded as a mold making shop and has been designing precision tools for injection molding for more than half a century. We have partnerships with numerous domestic and offshore tool shops to provide mold building options that fit our customers’ individual project costing and lead times. With any of these build options, computer aided design and mold flow simulations are combined with decades of experience to ensure successful mold production.
We handle it all
As large as 1,750 ton tools
As small as 30 ton tools
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Tooling types.
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1759 116th Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55448
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