
Steinwall provides useful knowledge of the plastic injection molding industry.
Steinwall has been recognized in the plastic injection molding industry for its innovations in employee training and use of educational material available to workers at their workstations. We also make useful knowledge available to those considering using plastic injection molded parts in their products. Browse our videos, technical articles and blog articles to become more familiar with Steinwall and the advantages of using our plastic injection molded parts.
Plastic Materials Matrix
Order our laminated Materials Matrix Poster, a favorite reference tool of our customers for more than 30 years.
Technical Articles
Useful technical data about the many plastic materials available and their properties.
Learn about the basics of plastic injection molding, its processes, terminology and equipment used
Blog Articles
News of the latest developments at Steinwall and in the plastic injection molding industry

1759 116th Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55448
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