Steinwall is proud to announce that Jeremy Dworshak is now serving on the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Executive Council (EC) as Vice President and Treasurer. Jeremy has been involved with SPE since 2012 serving as the education chair and technical program chair as well as an active member of the Injection Molding Division (IMD). Jeremy is responsible for the research and development engineering team at Steinwall, Inc. in Coon Rapids, MN. Jeremy joined Steinwall in 2007 and worked in several engineering roles including Materials Engineer, Sales Engineer, and Engineering Manager before moving into his current role of Research & Development Manager.
Jeremy officially began his term at ANTEC, the association’s largest conference for plastics technology, which was held in Indianapolis, Ind. May 23-25. Jeremy’s responsibilities on the EC include overseeing the Finance Committee, the Divisions Committee, and the Mentor Program Task Force.
“I appreciate the opportunity to serve the members of SPE on the EC for this next year. I’m looking forward to learning about how the society operates and how to create value to members of the organization.”
Established in 1965, Steinwall specializes in full-service manufacturing for small to large parts. They have built a reputation of handling tight tolerance, high cosmetic, precision molds and using engineering grade resins. They are committed to providing the highest quality customer service, products and parts.